Relationships Australia Blog

Neighbours Every Day
Why getting to know our neighbours is good for us all

Why getting to know our neighbours is good for us all

This week, as we approach the annual celebration of all things community – Neighbour Day on 31 March – I was reflecting on how, and why Relationships Australia became involved in this campaign almost a decade ago. Simply put, across the 75 years that Relationships...

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Neighbours Every Day
I had to become my own role model…so I did

I had to become my own role model…so I did

Guest Blog by NED Ambassador DJ Cooper Smith "Melbourne based DJ and producer, Cooper Smith is an 18-year-old with cerebral palsy (CP) who … as a DJ artist brings high energy and passion to his performances. He loves producing music with an emotional vibe and dreams...

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Neighbours Every Day
Why We Thrive on Connection

Why We Thrive on Connection

Guest blog by NED Ambassador Hugh Mackay AO 42,000 years ago, a cataclysmic climatic event wiped out four of the five species of humans that had been roaming Earth for the previous 2-300,000 years. Why was homo sapiens the only one to survive? According to a group of...

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Neighbours Every Day
Guest Blog: We urgently need a community big build

Guest Blog: We urgently need a community big build

It’s understandable we want to put COVID behind us. But in our desire to move on, let’s not throw out this hard-won lesson: given the opportunity and support, local communities come up with the best solutions. Communities through COVID banded together to fight...

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Neighbours Every Day
Good neighbours help communities flourish

Good neighbours help communities flourish

By Harry Lovelock, Acting CEO Mental Health Australia. Last weekend, amid an anti-trans rally, the passing of South Australia’s First Nations Voice to Parliament Bill, and the New South Wales state election results, Neighbour Day had its 21st anniversary. Neighbour...

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Neighbours Every Day
Reflecting on Belonging this Neighbour Day

Reflecting on Belonging this Neighbour Day

By Nick Tebbey, National Executive Officer, Relationships Australia, March 21, 2023 Neighbour Day, the annual day of celebration and hallmark of Relationships Australia’s Neighbours Every Day campaign is finally here! On Sunday 26 March 2023, communities across...

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Neighbours Every Day
The role community relationships play in fostering resilience

The role community relationships play in fostering resilience

By Claire Fisher, Senior Research and Project Officer, Relationships Australia  At Relationships Australia, we have been championing the importance of community relationships for many years. Evaluations of our Neighbours Every Day campaign demonstrate that those who...

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Neighbours Every Day
Guest Blog – Connection & Belonging

Guest Blog – Connection & Belonging

Guest blog - Neighbours Every Day Ambassador Hugh Mackay AO We become deeply attached to particular places because of the life we associate with them. The most lavish house in the world will ultimately seem pointless and empty – except as the equivalent of a...

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Neighbours Every Day
Creating belonging through respectful relationships

Creating belonging through respectful relationships

By Nick Tebbey, National Executive Officer, Relationships Australia. At Relationships Australia we talk a lot about the importance of respectful relationships.  We know that having supportive, respectful relationships is good for our mental health, builds resilience,...

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Neighbours Every Day
Our Actions Create Belonging

Our Actions Create Belonging

Building a future where everyone has equal opportunity to belong, contribute and thrive. This is the heart of Welcoming Australia’s mission, and it’s also a fitting way to enter the holiday season. When our families and communities gather as another year comes to a...

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Relationship Indicators

Relationship Indicators 2022 is live!

Relationships Australia is pleased to announce the release of Relationship Indicators 2022. The Relationship Indicators project is a nationally representative survey into the state of relationships in Australia. These findings inform our efforts to support all...

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