Pedaling our way to a more connected neighbourhood

By Gina Olivieri Organising a Neighbour Day event is as easy as riding a bike! Or at least, it would have been, had the weather forecast not threatened to destroy our event with storms, gale-force winds and rain. “I think we should cancel”, I said. “Let’s make the...

Neighbour Day 2019 – Tell Us Your Story

By Sam Robinson, Neighbour Day Campaign Manager One of the things we look forward to most in the Neighbour Day office each year is when we hear from you – when you send in your stories about small kindnesses, great gestures of neighbourly spirit, hilarious tales and...
Sharing our dinner tables this Christmas

Sharing our dinner tables this Christmas

By Penny Elsley12 December, 2018My strongest childhood memories of Christmas time are of steaming hot weather, pavlovas and pelican itch (lice bites from diving off paddle boats into the local lake with my cousins). Despite the discomfort of the heat and itch there...
Good Choices

Good Choices

by (Rev) Karen Paull5 December 2018‘And the winner of most items in their handbag is…Karen!’ My embarrassing ‘win’ was many years ago now, but was symptomatic of a tendency to be over-prepared. Although my handbag is lighter these days, unnecessary details and...