Why do lonely people visit the GP more often?

Why do lonely people visit the GP more often?

By Dr Tegan Cruwys and Associate Professor Genevieve Dingle14 November 2018Most GPs struggle with the so-called “frequent attenders”: the 10 per cent of patients who account for as many as 50 per cent of appointments[i]. These patients typically have complex and...
Compassion, engagement and connection – how we end loneliness

Compassion, engagement and connection – how we end loneliness

Hugh Mackay7 November, 2018The deepest truth about human beings also happens to be the sweetest and noblest truth about us: we are social beings.  We absolutely need each other. We depend utterly on neighbourhoods, communities, families, groups of all kinds to nurture...
Relationships Australia Loneliness Podcast

Relationships Australia Loneliness Podcast

Alison Brook31 October 2018Australia is in the midst of a loneliness crisis, with many in our population experiencing a deficit of social connection. That is, they do not enjoy sufficient meaningful relationships in their lives to sustain and nurture them,...