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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day Team Announces Winners of Drawing Competition

The Neighbour Day team is excited to announce the six winners of the ‘my neighbours, my neighbourhood’ drawing competition, that encouraged people of all ages to draw a picture of what makes their neighbours special or what makes their neighbourhood a great place to live.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day Launches Drawing Competition

The Neighbour Day team today launched the ‘my neighbours, my neighbourhood’ drawing competition, inviting children and adults in neighbourhoods around Australia to draw a picture that shows what is special about their neighbours or what makes their community a great place to live.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day ‘Tell us Your Story’ Winners Announced

The Neighbour Day team today announced the eight winning entries of the national Tell Us Your Story competition, which invited people to write a short story of an extraordinary neighbour or neighbourly act.

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Neighbours Every Day

Study Shows Few People Speak to Neighbours – Linked to Poor Health

The latest research from Relationships Australia has revealed a low level of community participation among survey respondents, which, in other research, is linked to poor physical health and mental well-being.

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Neighbours Every Day

Tell Us Your Neighbourhood Stories!

Australia’s annual celebration of community, Neighbour Day is just two weeks away! Now is the time to start organising your event or neighbourhood catch-up.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day is Virtually Alive!

Australia’s annual celebration of community, Neighbour Day will be launched today with a virtual campaign reaching communities across the country.

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Neighbours Every Day

It’s Time to Start Planning Your Neighbour Day event!

Thinking a street party, a community event or a neighbourhood Easter egg hunt would be the best way to celebrate this year’s Neighbour Day on Sunday, 27 of March? If so, now is a good time to start talking to your local council or shire.

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Neighbours Every Day

Elevate and Celebrate in the Heart of the Hills

The Elevate Festival is a fabulous, free, family-friendly celebration of community taking place on Saturday, 27 February at Federation Park, Gumeracha in the Adelaide Hills from 4.00pm to 8.00pm. Festival goers will enjoy live music, entertainment, food and a number of free community workshops throughout the evening

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day ‘my neighbours, my neighbourhood’ Competition Winners!

The Neighbour Day team today announced the winners of the ‘my neighbours, my neighbourhood’ competition, with six winning entries across the country.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day Launches New Photo Competition!

The Neighbour Day team today launched a new photography competition ‘my neighbours, my neighbourhood’, to encourage neighbours around the country to get out and about taking photos of the people, animals and nature nearby.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day Announces Tell Us Your Story Winners!

The Neighbour Day team today announced the winners to the Tell Us Your Story competition, with nine winning entries across the country.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day – Biggest Neighbourhood Celebration Ever!

Neighbour Day 2015 recorded the largest number of registered events ever with close to 70,000 people celebrating their neighbourhood on Sunday, 29 March.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day – Time to Celebrate Your Community!

This Sunday, 29 March 2015 is Neighbour Day, the annual celebration of community across Australia.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day – Record Numbers Register to Celebrate!

Now in its twelfth year, this year’s Neighbour Day on Sunday 29 March is shaping up to be the largest Neighbour Day celebration yet.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day – Prepare to Celebrate!

With less than three weeks till Neighbour Day, Australians everywhere are preparing to celebrate their community on Sunday, 29 March

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day – Australia’s Annual Celebration of Community

Australia’s annual celebration of community is just three weeks away! Held on the last Sunday in March every year, Neighbour Day will be celebrated around the country on Sunday 29 March.

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Neighbours Every Day

Parliament House Gets Neighbourly

The National House of Parliament today hosted the launch of Neighbour Day, Australia’s annual celebration of community.

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Neighbours Every Day

Tell Us Your Favourite Neighbourhood Stories!

Australia’s annual celebration of community, Neighbour Day is just five weeks away! Now is the time to start organising your event or neighbourhood catch-up

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Neighbours Every Day

The community you want starts at your front door

Relationships Australia is seeking expressions of interest from businesses, government and community organisations with an interest in becoming a national support partner of Neighbour Day.

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Neighbours Every Day

Relationships Australia Announces the Neighbour Day Tell us your story Competition Winners

Relationships Australia has announced the national and state winners of the Tell us your story competition, established as a part of this year’s Neighbour Day, celebrated on 30 March 2014.

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Neighbours Every Day

The time has come to celebrate your community!

This Sunday, 30 March is Neighbour Day, an annual celebration of community across Australia. With over 300 registered events, there are plenty of opportunities all around the country to get involved.

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Neighbours Every Day

Reward those who reward you this Neighbour Day

With less than three weeks to go until this year’s Neighbour Day, Australians everywhere are preparing to celebrate their communities on Sunday, 30 March.

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Neighbours Every Day

It’s time to start planning your Neighbour Day event

Thinking a street party or a community event would be the best way to celebrate this year’s Neighbour Day on Sunday, 30 of March? If so, now is a good time to start talking to your local council or shire

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