Document Archive

Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day – what neighbours can do to create connections

On Neighbour Day this year, we are challenging all Australians to do their part to help end
loneliness by taking one concrete step to reach out to someone in their neighbourhood.

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Neighbours Every Day

We’re All In This Together – Neighbour Day

The concept of what it means to be a neighbor is changing, both as a result of advances in technology and in response to rapidly changing world events.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day – Every day Australians are building connections

Relationships Australia, the home of Neighbour Day, celebrates the role of all Australians in helping to tackle loneliness.

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Older Australians and Aged Care

Submission to the Elder Abuse Team – Attorney-General’s Department on enhancing protections relating to the use of Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) Instruments – Consultation Regulation Impact Statement

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Neighbours Every Day

The Café Conversations Project – Cafés Creating Connections

It seems Australians are struggling to connect with one another socially and in 2020, Relationships Australia plans to change this by promoting social connection in the lead up to this year’s Neighbour Day, Australia’s annual celebration of community which takes place on the last Sunday in.

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day Challenges Australia to Create Connections

Australia is in the midst of a loneliness crisis, with many in our population experiencing a deficit of
social connection. In 2020, Relationships Australia, the home of Neighbour Day, is issuing a challenge to all Australians.

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