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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day is Virtually Alive!

Australia’s annual celebration of community, Neighbour Day will be launched today with a virtual campaign reaching communities across the country.

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Neighbours Every Day

It’s Time to Start Planning Your Neighbour Day event!

Thinking a street party, a community event or a neighbourhood Easter egg hunt would be the best way to celebrate this year’s Neighbour Day on Sunday, 27 of March? If so, now is a good time to start talking to your local council or shire.

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Neighbours Every Day

Elevate and Celebrate in the Heart of the Hills

The Elevate Festival is a fabulous, free, family-friendly celebration of community taking place on Saturday, 27 February at Federation Park, Gumeracha in the Adelaide Hills from 4.00pm to 8.00pm. Festival goers will enjoy live music, entertainment, food and a number of free community workshops throughout the evening

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Neighbours Every Day

Community participation

Social participation has been linked to the success and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities across a range of studies, with high levels of participation linked to better physical and mental wellbeing. Social participation includes participation in both...

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Older Australians and Aged Care

Elder abuse

Elder abuse is any act within a relationship of trust that results in harm to an older person. The abuse may be emotional, psychological, financial, physical, sexual, or neglect. According to the World Health Organization, elder abuse is a violation of human rights...

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Communication and Conflict

Christmas stress

Last Christmas, Relationships Australia examined the effect of Christmas stress on family relationships in our two-minute online monthly survey. The questions were developed based on our practice experience and prior research that identifies the Christmas period as a...

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Communication and Conflict

Restorative Practices

According to Braithwaite (2004), restorative justice is:...a process where all stakeholders affected by an injustice have an opportunity to discuss how they have been affected by the injustice and to decide what should be done to repair the harm. With crime,...

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