Document Archive

Families and Children

Family Stress at Christmas time

For some people the Christmas period can be a time of high stress. While for many families, Christmas is a time for celebration, relaxing and holidays, it is also the most likely time of the year for many people to experience anxiety and depression, particularly those...

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Communication and Conflict

Acknowledging and dealing with anger

Anger can be frightening due to its intensity and possible consequences. Anger can be expressed by verbally attacking the person you are upset with; shouting and screaming; using physical force such as hitting, pushing or punching the other person; or using...

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Problems with sex

How do you feel about your sexual relationship? Does sex usually leave you both feeling satisfied? If you are feeling dissatisfied with the sexual aspects of your relationship, or if one of you has less interest in sex than the other, the problems may be connected to...

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Family Domestic and Sexual Violence

Safety Plan

If you have experienced violence in the home, you and your children may have to leave in a hurry. There are a number of things you can do to be prepared in case you decide that you must leave. Actions In considering your Domestic Violence Safety Plan you can: have a...

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