Document Archive


Online dating

Many people find new connections online. Increasingly, many people meet new friends and partners online or through dating agencies. Some online sites help you find a friendship or a long-term relationship, while others are about finding a casual sexual partner. Do...

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Relationships and community

Your community and neighbourhood Being part of a community is good for you.  Connecting with others with whom you share a common interest can give a sense of satisfaction and lead to longer term friendships. Community activities to get involved in may include sport,...

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Workplace relationships for employees

The relationships you have in the workplace are a significant part of your life. You go to work to earn a living and to contribute your skills, though the human relationships are also important. Many work colleagues become friends outside of work. When work and home...

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What do you want from a new relationship?

What you want from a relationship depends on your situation. What is your situation? People at different life stages have very different needs in relationships. It helps avoid hurt down the track if you understand what you want: long-term commitment and marriage? open...

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Starting a new relationship

Starting a new relationship is an exciting time. Good relationships are good for us. If you are thinking about starting a new relationship or are already in a new relationship there are many things to think about. All relationships require effort You may need to give...

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Families and Children

Thinking of forming a step-family?

There are many things to consider when becoming part of a blended family or step-family.  The considerations include: Children – children rarely choose to be part of a blended family and often hold resentment towards their biological parent and the step-parent. The...

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Workplace relationships for employers

Harmonious workplaces are more productive and less stressful.  Losing skilled employees is also expensive.  Relationships Australia offers workplace services to assist employees and organisations with issues that may affect staff morale and work performance. Issues...

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Positive and respectful relationships

Good relationships are good for you and good for your children. It’s never too late to start working on improving your relationships. People in supportive, loving relationships are more likely to feel healthy, happy and satisfied with their lives. They are less likely...

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