Document Archive
When is a good time to seek professional relationship help?
The sooner that you act on issues, the easier they may be to resolve. If your relationship is in difficulty professional support can help you identify the issues and strategies to improve your lives. Family dispute resolution practitioners (family mediators) can work...
Safety Plan
If you have experienced violence in the home, you and your children may have to leave in a hurry. There are a number of things you can do to be prepared in case you decide that you must leave. Actions In considering your Domestic Violence Safety Plan you can: have a...
How violence and abusive behaviour affects children
The forgotten victims of family violence are often the children. The impact is long term and difficult to erase. Even if the children are not physically abused themselves, they will often witness, hear or see the signs of abuse. Some people think that no harm is done...
Is gambling affecting your relationships?
Gambling can affect couple relationships and relationships with children, extended family, friends and work colleagues. When gambling affects your health, your work, your ability to support yourself and your family, and when your partner, family, friends and...
Separation or divorce is a complex process – what should I do?
When a couple decides they want to separate, many decisions need to be made. Practical issues Some of the practical issues to be resolved as part of a separation include: setting up separate residences, and, often, finding somewhere to live in a hurry sorting out...
Ending relationships without using violence or abuse
Ending a relationship can be a traumatic experience for all people involved. It can also be a dangerous time when conflict may escalate. Sometimes the use of violence or abuse increases at the time of separation, as one partner takes out their anger and frustration on...
Online dating
Many people find new connections online. Increasingly, many people meet new friends and partners online or through dating agencies. Some online sites help you find a friendship or a long-term relationship, while others are about finding a casual sexual partner. Do...
Relationships and community
Your community and neighbourhood Being part of a community is good for you. Connecting with others with whom you share a common interest can give a sense of satisfaction and lead to longer term friendships. Community activities to get involved in may include sport,...
Workplace relationships for employees
The relationships you have in the workplace are a significant part of your life. You go to work to earn a living and to contribute your skills, though the human relationships are also important. Many work colleagues become friends outside of work. When work and home...
What do you want from a new relationship?
What you want from a relationship depends on your situation. What is your situation? People at different life stages have very different needs in relationships. It helps avoid hurt down the track if you understand what you want: long-term commitment and marriage? open...