Document Archive

Families and Children

Children and separation

Making a decision to separate if you have children is complex. How will you tell them? What should you say? When should it be done? At a time when you are vulnerable and unsure of yourself, you have to tell your children that you are separating and their lives are...

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Marriage tips

This tip sheet is intended for people who are in healthy, loving, reciprocal and respectful marriages. Having a connected, happy and long-lasting marriage requires your continual willingness to work on yourself while courageously showing your vulnerability. It is...

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Mental Health and Wellbeing


The experience of loneliness varies from person to person. Some people feel most lonely when physically alone, while others may feel lonely when surrounded by people, as they feel a lack of connection with those around them. The experience of loneliness can also...

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Elder Abuse

Submission to the Attorney-General’s Department: Achieving greater consistency in laws for financial enduring powers of attorney

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