Media Release – Relationships Australia Welcomes ACT Inquiry Report on Loneliness and Social Isolation

Sep 4, 2024

Relationships Australia warmly welcomes the recent report from the ACT Inquiry into Loneliness and Social Isolation, recognising it as a significant step towards addressing a critical social issue affecting the wellbeing of many Australians.

Nick Tebbey, National Executive Officer of Relationships Australia, praised the comprehensive nature of the Inquiry and its recommendations.

“This report highlights the urgent need for a coordinated approach to tackle loneliness and social isolation. We are particularly pleased to see the emphasis on preventative health measures and the recommendation for a whole of government social connection strategy.”

The Inquiry’s recommendations align closely with Relationships Australia’s long-standing recognition of the critical importance of social connections for individual and community wellbeing. Of particular note are:

  1. The acknowledgement of loneliness and social isolation as significant public health issues that are harming members of our community
  2. The call for a whole of government approach to addressing these challenges
  3. The positive impact of community based interventions and the value of initiatives
    like Neighbours Every Day

Dr. Stephanie Hodson, CEO of Relationships Australia Canberra and Region, emphasised the local impact of the Inquiry’s findings.

“The recommendation to facilitate spaces for co-location of relevant services is crucial.
This approach will enable more integrated and accessible support for those experiencing loneliness and social isolation in our community.”

Relationships Australia has long advocated for increased attention to the issues of loneliness and social isolation, providing evidence to the Inquiry that has informed several key recommendations.

“We’re encouraged to see our expertise and experience reflected in the Inquiry’s outcomes,” Mr. Tebbey added. “This report provides a solid foundation for developing effective strategies to combat loneliness and strengthen social connections across all segments of our society.”

Mr. Tebbey further noted the importance of community-based interventions:

“We welcome the Inquiry’s support for our nation-leading campaign, Neighbours Every Day.  Initiatives such as this play a crucial role in building stronger, more connected communities,  which are essential in preventing and addressing loneliness and social isolation.”

Relationships Australia stands ready to work with the ACT Government and other stakeholders to implement these recommendations and develop comprehensive strategies to address loneliness and social isolation.

“We look forward to collaborating with government bodies, community organisations, and other service providers to turn these recommendations into actionable policies and programs,” Dr. Hodson concluded. “Together, we can build a more connected and resilient community across the ACT.”

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Media contact: Nick Tebbey, National Executive Officer, Relationships Australia

Phone: 0415 816 519; Email:

Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. We aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships. We are a community-based, not-for-profit Australian organisation with no religious affiliations.