Perceived COVID-19 risk is attenuated by ingroup trust: evidence from three empirical studies

May 12, 2021

Neighbour Day data was used in a study exploring the perceived risk of contagion posed by ingroup members. It found that ingroup identification affects an effective public health response. Across all three studies, ingroup members were trusted more and were perceived to pose less health risk. These findings are discussed with a focus on how group processes can be more effectively incorporated into public health policy, both for the current pandemic and for future contagious disease threats.


Cruwys, T., Stevens, M., Donaldson, J. L., Cárdenas, D., Platow, M. J., Reynolds, K. J. & Fong, P. (2021). Perceived COVID-19 risk is attenuated by ingroup trust: evidence from three empirical studies. BMC Public Health, Vol. 21(869).