Safety Plan

Dec 1, 2014

If you have experienced violence in the home, you and your children may have to leave in a hurry. There are a number of things you can do to be prepared in case you decide that you must leave.


In considering your Domestic Violence Safety Plan you can:

  • have a bag ready with things you will need (see ’emergency suitcase’ below). Hide it, or give it to a trusted friend or family member to keep for you
  • have a code word that you can use via the phone, sms or social media that tells a friend, family or colleagues that you feel unsafe and need assistance
  • decide on the best way to leave the house (which door and windows) if you need to leave in a hurry
  • think about where you will go if you have to leave in a hurry, know where the nearest police station is
  • ask neighbours to call the police if they hear a commotion from the house (or you use your code word)
  • keep your phone charged and have the phone number of a domestic violence crisis service in a safe place
  • if you are feeling worried, have someone check in with you at agreed times, or call them at agreed times.

You can get assistance to develop a safety plan that suits your particular situation. Contact a local domestic violence support service for advice.

Emergency suitcase

You might not be able to have your Medicare or other important documents hidden away, but you can take a photocopy or scan them.

If you keep it at home, your bag should be light and safely hidden but easy to grab.  If it is with a family member or friend you can put more in it.

Important things to take include:

  • cash you’ve been able to put aside (if you have other money in a bank account only you can access, that’s a bonus)
  • forms of identification like Centrelink and child support documents, birth certificates, marriage certificate, passports, bank details, legal documents (restraining orders and family law documents)
  • a medications list, spare scripts and medical or immunisation records
  • spare house and car keys
  • a recent photo of your ex-partner
  • rental or mortgage documents and insurance documents
  • address book and important phone numbers (family, friends, school, refuge, domestic violence support agency, your workplace)
  • anything else that is essential to your or your children’s well-being.

When possible you can also include basic toiletries, clothing, toys for children, items of sentimental value.


1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

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