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Families and Children

Why am I going to Relationships Australia?

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Family Domestic and Sexual Violence

Submission to the Public Consultation Paper – Amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 to respond to family violence

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Family Domestic and Sexual Violence

Submission to the Public Consultation Paper – Amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 to respond to family violence

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Family Domestic and Sexual Violence

Response to the public consultation paper-Amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 to respond to family violence

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Mental Health and Wellbeing


Introduction Previous studies have identified a strong desire for social connection in humans, with the levels and quality of social...

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Communication and Conflict

Men and Separation – Navigating the future

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Communication and Conflict

Women and Separation – Managing new horizons

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Communication and Conflict

Christmas stress

Introduction For the past three Christmas periods, Relationships Australia has examined the effect of Christmas stress on family...

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Older Australians and Aged Care

Submission to the Department of Justice and Attorney-General Department – Supported Elder Mediation Discussion Paper

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day Team Announces Winners of Drawing Competition

The Neighbour Day team is excited to announce the six winners of the ‘my neighbours, my neighbourhood’ drawing competition, that encouraged people of all ages to draw a picture of what makes their neighbours special or what makes their neighbourhood a great place to live.

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Families and Children

Child neglect

Introduction Child abuse is commonly understood to include physical, sexual, or psychological mistreatment of a child or young person,...

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day Launches Drawing Competition

The Neighbour Day team today launched the ‘my neighbours, my neighbourhood’ drawing competition, inviting children and adults in neighbourhoods around Australia to draw a picture that shows what is special about their neighbours or what makes their community a great place to live.

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Older Australians and Aged Care

Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission – Response to the Issues Paper on Elder Abuse

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Older Australians and Aged Care


Introduction Dementia is the term used to explain an array of symptoms of a large group of illnesses that cause a progressive decline in a...

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Families and Children

Child attachment

Introduction Attachment is the strong, long lasting bond that develops between a baby and his or her primary caregiver.  The caregiver can...

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Communication and Conflict

A Fair Share – Negotiating your property settlement

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Communication and Conflict

Share the care – Collaborative Parenting Apart (Parenting Plan)

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Neighbours Every Day

Neighbour Day ‘Tell us Your Story’ Winners Announced

The Neighbour Day team today announced the eight winning entries of the national Tell Us Your Story competition, which invited people to write a short story of an extraordinary neighbour or neighbourly act.

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