The internet has significantly changed the way that people live and work, with many families now relying on digital tools for...
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Community participation
It has long been known that economic and social participation are essential to the success and wellbeing of people, with high levels of...
Neighbour Day – Prepare to Celebrate!
With less than three weeks till Neighbour Day, Australians everywhere are preparing to celebrate their community on Sunday, 29 March
Neighbour Day – Australia’s Annual Celebration of Community
Australia’s annual celebration of community is just three weeks away! Held on the last Sunday in March every year, Neighbour Day will be celebrated around the country on Sunday 29 March.
Parliament House Gets Neighbourly
The National House of Parliament today hosted the launch of Neighbour Day, Australia’s annual celebration of community.
Submission to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Response to the Consultation Paper Redress and Civil Litigation
Tell Us Your Favourite Neighbourhood Stories!
Australia’s annual celebration of community, Neighbour Day is just five weeks away! Now is the time to start organising your event or neighbourhood catch-up
Communication is more than just talking Couple relationships have many different aspects Couple relationships have many different aspects...
Intimacy in relationships
Intimacy is about loving trust and support. What is intimacy? Intimacy is about loving trust and support; accepting and sharing in your...
Domestic Violence
There is no single national or internationally agreed definition of family or domestic violence. Historically, commonly held views have...
Statement on Families
Relationships Australia works with many and diverse families who seek support to help them face the challenges and complexities of family life.
Family Violence Statement
This statement reflects our collective position on family violence.
Mental Health Statement
This statement reflects our collective position on mental health and wellbeing.
Marriage Equality Statement
This statement reflects our collective position on marriage equality.
The Homestretch Campaign
This statement outlines our collective support for the provision of out-of-home care and housing extended until the age of 21.
Family stress at Christmas time
For some people, the Christmas period can be a time of high stress. While for many families, Christmas is a time for celebration,...
Family Stress at Christmas time
For some people the Christmas period can be a time of high stress. While for many families, Christmas is a time for celebration, relaxing...
Ageing transition points: Is there potential for family conflict?
In November 2014, Relationships Australia asked visitors to our website to participate in a two minute survey that asked them whether they...
Acknowledging and dealing with anger
Anger can be frightening due to its intensity and possible consequences. Anger can be expressed by verbally attacking the person you are...
Domestic and family violence – controlling and violent relationships
Some relationships involve behaviour that is damaging to the other partner and, in some cases, may be criminal. Healthy relationships are...
Problems with sex
How do you feel about your sexual relationship? Does sex usually leave you both feeling satisfied? If you are feeling dissatisfied with...
When is a good time to seek professional relationship help?
The sooner that you act on issues, the easier they may be to resolve. If your relationship is in difficulty professional support can help...
Safety Plan
If you have experienced violence in the home, you and your children may have to leave in a hurry. There are a number of things you can do...
How violence and abusive behaviour affects children
The forgotten victims of family violence are often the children. The impact is long term and difficult to erase. Even if the children are...