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Neighbours Every Day

The community you want starts at your front door

Relationships Australia is seeking expressions of interest from businesses, government and community organisations with an interest in becoming a national support partner of Neighbour Day.

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Family Domestic and Sexual Violence

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration – Domestic Violence in Australia

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Families and Children

Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs – Parliamentary Inquiry into the Child Support Program 2014

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Neighbours Every Day

Relationships Australia Announces the Neighbour Day Tell us your story Competition Winners

Relationships Australia has announced the national and state winners of the Tell us your story competition, established as a part of this year’s Neighbour Day, celebrated on 30 March 2014.

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Human Rights and Social Movements

Submission to the Attorney-General’s Department – Exposure Draft proposed amendments to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975

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Neighbours Every Day

The time has come to celebrate your community!

This Sunday, 30 March is Neighbour Day, an annual celebration of community across Australia. With over 300 registered events, there are plenty of opportunities all around the country to get involved.

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Older Australians and Aged Care

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs – Grandparenting Community Affairs Senate Committee

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Neighbours Every Day

Reward those who reward you this Neighbour Day

With less than three weeks to go until this year’s Neighbour Day, Australians everywhere are preparing to celebrate their communities on Sunday, 30 March.

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Neighbours Every Day

It’s time to start planning your Neighbour Day event

Thinking a street party or a community event would be the best way to celebrate this year’s Neighbour Day on Sunday, 30 of March? If so, now is a good time to start talking to your local council or shire

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Gambling Alcohol and Addiction

Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform – prevention and treatment of problem gambling

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Human Rights and Social Movements

Vulnerability and Disadvantage Statement

This statement reflects our collective position on vulnerability and disadvantage.

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Gambling Alcohol and Addiction

Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform – Australian Online Gambling and Advertising

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Gambling Alcohol and Addiction

Submission Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform- Pre-commitment gambling schemes on EGMs

Family Law Reform

Submission on the exposure draft – Family Law Amendment (Family Violence) Bill 2010

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Families and Children

Submission to the Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People – Bill

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