Relationships Australia Blog

Neighbours Every Day
Sharing our dinner tables this Christmas

Sharing our dinner tables this Christmas

By Penny Elsley12 December, 2018My strongest childhood memories of Christmas time are of steaming hot weather, pavlovas and pelican itch (lice bites from diving off paddle boats into the local lake with my cousins). Despite the discomfort of the heat and itch there...

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Mental Health and Wellbeing
Good Choices

Good Choices

by (Rev) Karen Paull5 December 2018‘And the winner of most items in their handbag is…Karen!’ My embarrassing ‘win’ was many years ago now, but was symptomatic of a tendency to be over-prepared. Although my handbag is lighter these days, unnecessary details and...

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Mental Health and Wellbeing
Why do lonely people visit the GP more often?

Why do lonely people visit the GP more often?

By Dr Tegan Cruwys and Associate Professor Genevieve Dingle14 November 2018Most GPs struggle with the so-called “frequent attenders”: the 10 per cent of patients who account for as many as 50 per cent of appointments[i]. These patients typically have complex and...

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Mental Health and Wellbeing
Compassion, engagement and connection – how we end loneliness

Compassion, engagement and connection – how we end loneliness

Hugh Mackay7 November, 2018The deepest truth about human beings also happens to be the sweetest and noblest truth about us: we are social beings.  We absolutely need each other. We depend utterly on neighbourhoods, communities, families, groups of all kinds to nurture...

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Mental Health and Wellbeing
Relationships Australia Loneliness Podcast

Relationships Australia Loneliness Podcast

Alison Brook31 October 2018Australia is in the midst of a loneliness crisis, with many in our population experiencing a deficit of social connection. That is, they do not enjoy sufficient meaningful relationships in their lives to sustain and nurture them,...

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Australian experience of loneliness

Alison Brook 25 October 2018 In September this year, Relationships Australia released new research based on the findings from 16 waves of Household Income and Labour Dynamics of Australia survey data from 2001-2016 that identifies which Australians are most likely to...

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Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to our Blog

Alison Brook24 October 2018This is where we want you to turn each week to read an engaging, challenging, thoughtful and informative piece of writing on issues that impact on relationships - with families and loved ones, friends and neighbours or the broader...

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Media Releases

Media Release - Celebrating Connected Communities throughout Australia - 4 May 2021 Media Release - Families Un-Locked International Survey - 23 November 2020 Today Relationships Australia is joining the international research study Families Un-locked: Relationships...

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Government Engagement

Funding Boost for Children’s Contact Services

Relationships Australia would like to acknowledge the work of the retiring Attorney-General, Ms Nicola Roxon MP, who last week announced a $4 million funding boost into Children’s Contact Services, and to welcome the incoming Attorney-General, Mr Mark Dreyfus QC...

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