
Look through the latest report, read our fact sheets, check out the original survey questions and access the technical report.

Latest Report

New report released

Read our latest report into the ongoing effects of partnered relationship breakdown

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Full Report

Relationship Indicators 2022 full report

Read our full report from 2022

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Read our blog

Read our blog post about the launch of our newest report.

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Explore the Relationship Indicators Survey Questions

Blogs and Videos

Check out our launch webinar and our blog posts.


Relationships Australia presents Relationship Indicators 2022

Watch our launch webinar - we cover key findings, recommendations and avenues for future research.

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Relationship Indicators 2022 is live!

Read our blog post about the launch of Relationship Indicators 2022.

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Fact Sheets

Explore our fact sheets

Explore our fact sheets on population groups. We explored partnered relationships, LGBTQIA+ communities, carers and more!

Download our factsheets >

The Technical Report provides information about the survey design, data collection and methodological aspects of the project.