National survey of the state of relationships in Australia

Collected by Life in Australia™ – Australia’s most methodologically rigorous panel. These findings inform our efforts to support all Australians to achieve positive and respectful relationships.

Read the latest report

Read our latest report exploring the impacts of relationship breakdown, exposing the effect on mental health, wellbeing, and people’s future outlook.


of Australians said their partner was the most important, meaningful person in their life


of those aged 55+ faced no relationship pressures over the past six months, relationship pressures decreased with age


of relationships feel pressure from work or study commitments
23.9% are exhibiting symptoms of loneliness, compared to 17% in our 2018 Loneliness Report

28% are experiencing social loneliness while 19.8% are experiencing emotional loneliness

45.9% of young people (18-24 years) are emotionally lonely

As people got older, levels of loneliness decreased

94.5% of Australians feel loved

Mental health is placing a significant strain on relationships


of people were affected by mental health – the second greatest pressure facing Australian relationships


of Australians said their mental health was poor to terrible over the past six months


of people with long-term mental health conditions faced more pressures than the Australian population average of 71.9%

1.7 million Australians feel unsafe disagreeing with their most important person

Experiences with grief and loss in a partner relationship led to higher rates of loneliness and additional pressures in other relationships


experienced a break-up, separation, or divorce with a lasting impact


of people received no valuable support following the death of their partner


people who had lasting impacts from grief and loss were 1.5 times lonelier than those who didn’t

46.2% manage their relationship issues on their own

Strong and reliable relationships improve wellbeing, loneliness and mental health

People who could rely on one strong relationship;

for a variety of social supports had better life satisfaction

were 1.4 times less lonely than those who relied on many different relationships

had better mental health over the past six months

Explore the dashboard

The dashboard is an interactive visualisation of the data we collected. You can look through the survey questions, filtering by age, gender and geographic location. You can also see fact sheets with key findings about certain population groups.

Blogs and Videos

Check out our launch webinar and our blog posts.


Relationships Australia presents Relationship Indicators 2022

Watch our launch webinar - we cover key findings, recommendations and avenues for future research.

Watch Now >


Relationship Indicators 2022 is live!

Read our blog post about the launch of Relationship Indicators 2022.

Learn more >

Fact Sheets

Explore our fact sheets

Explore our fact sheets on population groups. We explored partnered relationships, LGBTQIA+ communities, carers and more!

Download our factsheets >

Interested in understanding more about the survey design, data collection and methodological aspects of the project?

Read our Technical Report.